Welcome to Tiles by Keera!

Thank you for visiting Tiles by Keera. I custom make tiles to decorate your home! I find that these tiles are perfect size to put on a table, or hang on a wall to add the perfect touch to your home or decoration for the upcoming holiday!
We work mostly on special order as most are custom to the client's last name. Feel free to look around and let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or if you would like something that you don't see. I can create really anything you would like.
The tiles are 4 x 4 and decorated to your liking. Feel free to input your likes or dislikes when ordering if you want a specific look.
If you are interested in purchasing anything you see, or would like a custom order, email me at tilesbykeera@gmail.com or leave a comment and I will contact you as soon as I can.
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


By displaying my button
(on the right)
on your blog or site, you
will be entered in a drawing
to win a set of tiles!!!
The drawing will be soon.....
so get your buttons!!!
Good luck!!

P.S. Leave me a comment if you do decided to participate
so I know who to put in the drawing.


  1. Hey Keera! I added your button to my blog (thatsfamtastic.blogspot.com).

    Do I get entered again if I add it to my family blog too??

  2. The button is officially on my blog! I hope I win!!!

  3. so cute!! i might want one k i will call ya!

  4. Your officially on! Make sure you draw my name ok!! :)

  5. my sister commented on your pic so I took a look and loved what I saw now I have your button!

  6. I put one on both my craft blog, http://thecraftyqueensblog.blogspot.com/, and our family blog. Does that mean I get two entries?

  7. Those are soo cute! I'm putting your button on my blog! I'm a friend of Courtney's so she can verify it is on there since it's a private blog!

  8. I added you r button!! I am Suzies sister! I hope that I win!!

